How To Write An Article When You Have No Motivation To Do So.

How To Do The Things You Need To Do Regardless Of How You Feel

Casey Gentles - JamrockCash
8 min readNov 20, 2020
Photo by Ali Yahya on Unsplash

As I sit in front of my computer and type, I am honestly not in the mood to write. As the winter draws near and the cold weather creeps in, I would rather be in bed and cuddle under my blanket.

Sadly, this feeling has been going on for days.

But today is the last day.

I am making the decision right here, right now to be in control of my life regardless of how I feel and regardless of any external factors.

So far so good — I pasted the above text Into and it says that I am at 83 words. So by the time am done typing the next few words in this sentence, I should be at about 100+ words.

Not bad indeed.

To think that about 3 minutes ago I was staring at a blank white screen and now it is populated with a few black spots is an incredible milestone for me.

.. And Yes I am celebrating this milestone!

Because if I can write 100+ words, I can do it again and again, and pretty soon I’ll have a full-blown article that hopefully will contribute some amount of value to my readers.

But Why Write This Specific Article About How To Write An Article?

Well, as much as this article is to offer tips to anyone that struggles to find the motivation to do the things that they need to do, it is also a challenge for me.

I have been wanting to write a few articles for a few weeks now. However, I just never came around to doing so.

You see, when it comes to writing, I have to be super-duper motivated to pen words to paper. Writing is not something that comes naturally to me. I’d much rather be doing something else.

But I know that I absolutely NEED to write. I also know that this article won't win me any awards and maybe only a handful of people may see it. However, I am fully aware that in order to get better at writing, I need to write.

For you, it may not be writing. It may be doing a Youtube video or starting a podcast or just doing something important that can have a tremendous effect on your bottom line and maybe provide incredible value to others.

With that being said, let me share some tips that I am using to write this current article and what I plan on doing moving forward to get things done regardless of how I feel.

By the way, I didn’t invent any of these practices, they are the accumulation of knowledge that I have gained over the past few weeks from listening to a number of audiobooks in the personal development niche.

I am now just starting to put them into practice.

It Starts With Making A Conscious Decision

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Remember the first sentence of this post?

Don’t scroll up, I’ll just post it here again:

“As I sit in front of my computer and type, I am honestly not in the mood to write.”

That was the 100% honest truth.

I had no motivation whatsoever to write, my brain was on everything but writing, and the temptation of heading to my bedroom which is around 10–15 steps away from my office, and wrap up under my blanket is overbearing.

However, I made a DECISION that I was going to complete this article.

And again, I know this isn’t a world-class piece but am damn proud of myself for making it this far.

I’m currently at close to 600 words that would have never happened had I not decided that I was going to complete the article.

So If you don’t get anything else from this article, just get this: your ability to make a conscious decision to do the important things in your life regardless of how you feel can and will have an exponential positive effect on your life.


I am an internet marketer and I work from home. Hence the fact that I am so close to my bedroom. Anyhow, to put this decision making into perspective, I want to share what’s possible when you just make a decision and follow through.

Over a year ago, I had the hunch to create a Youtube video on a certain topic. But again, I wasn’t in the mood to do the video. But as I remembered, I made the decision to do the video and posted it on my channel.

And would you believe that to this day, that video is the most viewed video on that channel?

In fact, that specific video is responsible for producing the most affiliate commissions of all the videos on that channel just because I followed through on the decision to create the video even though “I wasn’t motivated to do so.”

That’s the power of making a decision and following through!

Don’t Rely On Motivation

If I were to wait until I am motivated and in the mood to write, this article probably would never get done. That is the reality in which I live — maybe you too?

In the past, I would shrug off my inability to get IMPORTANT things done and blame it on my lack of motivation. Thankfully, I have now come to the understanding that motivation like will power can only take me thus far and no more.

Motivation is short-lived, what you really need is self-awareness and discipline.

I have been listening to a number of motivational speakers over the past weeks and months. One thing I’ve found common among them is that they don’t rely on being motivated to get things done.

The other thing that is common among them is that they have developed the habit of being incredibly disciplined. This means doing the important things have become second nature to them.

It’s like showering or brushing your teeth. You don’t think about it, you just do it even though there are times you’d want to skip them and jump right in your bed.

Uncover Your “Why” At An Emotional Level

Why would I even bother to write an article?

I mean, I don’t have a huge passion for writing. I can get by, but as you’ve read thus far, writing is not something that comes naturally to me and I’d much rather be doing something else.

So why even bother?

Well, that’s because I have an ulterior motive.

I have Goals that I want to accomplish and getting better at writing will definitely help me to get to my goal a LOT faster.

You have to do a self-analysis and weigh the pros and cons. What is it that you know you should be doing but you haven’t been doing?

For me, one important thing is writing.

What’s it for you?

Now think about what would happen if you actually get the work done. How would your business grow? How would you feel? How closer would you be to achieving your end goal?

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

For me, if I write more, I’ll get more eyeballs on my content, I’ll impact more lives, and the more lives I impact in a positive way, the more my income will grow and the more my income grows, the more I’ll be able to provide even more positive impact and value to the world.

Basically, writing helps me to bring more awareness to my business which helps to fuel my dreams.

But you have to also look at the opposite effect!

What will likely happen if you don’t do the things that you need to do because you don’t feel like it?

For me, I’ll have lackluster results in my business and I won’t be able to impact as many lives as I want.

Plus the thought of not being able to achieve my dreams scare me to my core — especially when the choice to do so is in my own hands.

Do A Little Bit At A Time

image source:

How Do You Build A Wall?

ANS. By laying one brick at a time!

How Do You Write An Article?

ANS. One sentence at a time!

In the last few days, I have been listening to the audiobook The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. This book has really opened my eyes to what’s possible when you commit to being consistent with doing just a little bit at a time.

The idea is that Little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default.

How does that play out when it comes to writing an article?

Well, I just did a word count check again and I am just borderline 1500+ words.

Do you want to know something funny?

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve stopped throughout writing this article. But you’d never know that. What matters is that I complete the article and it flows.

Reward Yourself When You Follow Through On Your Decision To Do The Work

A reward doesn’t have to be something glamorous or extravagant. It can be as simple as taking a 5 minutes break to play with your dog — like I did.

It could be a simple as treating yourself to a tablespoon of ice cream. I don’t know what tickles your fancy but find a way to reward yourself so that you’ll be more likely to complete the work.


Here are somethings that I am going to start doing to write more articles whether or not I am in the mood or motivated to do so.

  1. Make a decision to write
  2. Follow through whether I’m motivated or not.
  3. Revisit my “why” for writing in the first place.
  4. I’d write a little at a time until I am done.
  5. I’ll reward myself throughout the process and after I am completed.

And that’s it. I believe that if you also follow these tips, they can help you to write more articles or get important stuff done whether you are motivated to do the work or not.

Word count check: 1650+ words.

Not the best but I’m super proud of myself because, at this point, the article is done.

Thanks for reading.

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Casey Gentles - JamrockCash

Founder of <<- Dedicated to providing you with the tools & resources to create an online business that fuels your dreams.